约 44,300,000 个结果
  1. The average hourly wage in Canada is between $28.08 and $32.69 per hour. The mining, oil and gas industry pays the highest wages, while food services and retail professionals earn the lowest wages.
    The average hourly wage in Canada is between $28.08 and $32.69 per hour. The mining, oil and gas industry pays the highest wages, while food services and retail professionals earn the lowest wages.
    How much does a Per hour make in Canada? The average per hour salary in Canada is $42,900 per year or $22 per hour.
    According to the official data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the average income in Canada in 2024 is around $67,282 per year or $34.85 per hour across all industries.
    In 2022, the average hourly wage in Canada stood at 31.37 Canadian dollars. Get notified via email when this statistic is updated. Adapted from Statistics Canada, statcan.gc.ca, 2000 to 2022.
    www.statista.com/statistics/439904/average-hourly …

    Key salary statistics for Canada

    • Average annual salary: $64,850
    • Average monthly salary: $5,404
    • Minimum hourly wage: $17.30 per hour at a federal level with provincial baselines.
  2. Income Statistics in Canada for 2025 - Made in CA

    2024年12月31日 · Minimum Hourly Wages in Canada. The minimum hourly wage differs between provinces and territories. The highest minimum wage is in Nunavut, where it is $19.00 per hour. The second and third highest hourly …

  3. Salary Calculator Canada - Salary After Tax

    As of October 2024, the federal minimum wage in Canada is $17.30 per hour. Assuming a standard 40-hour work week, this amounts to an annual salary of $35,984 . If you are living in …

  4. Employee wages by industry, annual - Statistics Canada

  5. Average salary in Canada 2024: Industrywise per-hour …

    2024年1月21日 · As per the Statistics Canada data, the average per-hour salary in Canada for September 2023 for all employees across all industries was $34.01. The average hourly wage rate for full-time employees was $36.03, whereas …

  6. Per Hour average salary in Canada, 2025 - Talent.com

  7. 其他用户还问了以下问题
  8. Average Wage in Canada | Wages in …

    2023年9月1日 · What is the average salary in Canada? The average salary in Canada is determined by many factors, as mentioned earlier. As of May 2023, the average hourly wage …

  9. Average Income in Canada - WOWA

    2024年9月20日 · We use average hourly wages and the average number of hours worked per week from the Labour Force Survey to calculate weekly income and annual salary. Annual salaries are calculated using the WOWA’s annual …

  10. Canada Average Hourly Wages - TRADING ECONOMICS

    20 行 · Wages in Canada is expected to be 31.53 CAD/Hour by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the Canada Average Hourly Wages is …

  11. Average salaries by job and location in Canada | Workopolis