Doug is an American animated sitcom created by Jim Jinkins and produced by Jumbo Pictures. It originally aired on Nickelodeon from August 11, 1991, to January 2, 1994, and on ABC from …
Doug is an American animated television series created by Jim Jinkins and produced by Jumbo Pictures. The series premiered on Nickelodeon in 1991, and ran until 1994. Nickelodeon …
Doug: Created by Jim Jinkins. With Billy West, Constance Shulman, Fred Newman, Doug Preis. The life of a young boy as he meets friends, falls in love, maneuvers his way through grade 6 …
Doug is an American-French animated television series created by Jim Jinkins and co-produced by his studio, Jumbo Pictures, and the French studio Ellipse Programmé in association with …
Douglas "Doug" Yancey Funnie (born August 22, 1980) is the titular character, as well as the main protagonist of the Nickelodeon/Disney animated series Doug. Douglas is a shy, insecure and …
Doug (unofficially referred to as Nickelodeon's Doug only on this wiki) is an American animated sitcom that was created by Jim Jinkins and produced by Jumbo Pictures (alongside the France …