Victor Sunico Diaz, popularly known as Vic Diaz, (July 29, 1932 – September 15, 2006) was a Filipino character actor who mostly portrayed villains. He was also the father of Teddy Diaz, …
Victor Sunico Diaz, popularly known as Vic Diaz, (July 29, 1932 – September 15, 2006) was a Filipino character actor who mostly portrayed villains. He was also the father of Teddy Diaz, …
Vic Díaz (born 1932 in Manila, Philippines) is a Filipino former character actor who mostly portrayed villains. He is also the father of Teddy Diaz, the founding guitarist of the Filipino …
'Victor Sunico Diaz, popularly known as Vic Diaz, (July 29, 1932 – September 15, 2006) was a Filipino character actor who mostly portrayed villains. He was also the father of Teddy Diaz, …
Vic Diaz. Biography. One of the Philippines most popular character actors. Known for his many mirthful yet villainous roles. One of the Philippines most popular ...