Cabins and berths on board the train | VIA Rail
仅显示来自 的搜索结果Sleeper Plus class
Private cabin and semi-private berth accommodations; Meals, snacks and …
Classes and Services
Sleeper Plus offers the added comfort of amenities, great service and your choice …
Sleeper Plus class | VIA Rail
VIA Rail The Canadian Sleeper Plus Class - CANADA …
2-bed Sleeper class and 2-bed Sleeper Plus cabin are available for passengers on board The Canadian train. This is a sleeper compartment for two people has 1 upper and 1 lower bunk berth, a private bathroom with a toilet and a sink (in …
Classes on the Toronto-Vancouver train | VIA Rail
VIA Rail Sleeper Plus FULL Room Tour | Comfort on the Rails
Sleeping Accommodations on VIA Rail’s Canadian
Traveling in Sleeper Plus Class on VIA Rail's Canadian opens you up to a whole new world of options. During the daylight hours, you can enjoy some private time in your sleeper cabin or mingle with your fellow travelers in one of the two …
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VIA Rail Sleeper Plus Class - Berths, Shower, Washroom …
VIA Rail Sleeper Plus Class - Cabin for One Upon boarding the train, I was informally offered an upgrade to a private cabin by a VIA Rail crew member. Of course I'll take it!
VIA Rail Canadian Sleeper Plus Class - Vancouver to Toronto
Overview of the Sleeper Plus Class in VIA Rail The …
2023年11月30日 · The 2-bed Sleeper class and 2-bed Sleeper Plus cabin on The Canadian train provide a sleeper compartment for two people with 1 upper and 1 lower bunk berth, a private bathroom with a toilet, and a sink (in addition to …
VIA Rail Sleeper Plus Class - Cabin for One - Blogger