Unsettled Tom, also known as Traumatized Tom and Concerned Tom, refers to a Paint drawing of character Tom from cartoon series Tom and Jerry wearing an expression of concern.
“Unsettled Tom” is a meme from the Tom and Jerry cartoon series. It captures Tom the Cat’s face in a truly unusual pose. Original image came from a Tails Gets Trolled comic, May 10, 2012. …
Tom's face has also been repurposed / redrawn in different variants of the meme, including one edit where he is being dicked from behind by Spike (T&J). The "Sberbank of Russia" would …
Tom Reading The Newspaper refers to an image of Tom from Tom and Jerry looking up from a newspaper with a suspicious expression on his face. The image is often paired with captions …
21 'Unsettled Tom' Memes That Depict Imaginary 'Yikes' Moments This crude drawing of Tom the cat has been making waves in the meme -osphere since early March. Memers love a crappy …
Sneaky Tom is a reaction image series based on a scene from the American animated TV series Tom and Jerry in which Tom slides his way through a door with a mischievous smirk on his …