TB Joshua exposé: How the disgraced pastor faked his miracles - BBC
仅显示来自 bbc.com 的搜索结果TB Joshua: ‘We thought it wa…
TB Joshua, a charismatic Nigerian leader of one of the world's biggest evangelical …
TB Joshua: Megachurch lead…
Dozens of ex-Synagogue Church of all Nations members - five British - allege …
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TB Joshua: ‘We thought it was heaven but then terrible things
TB Joshua: Megachurch leader raped and tortured worshippers, …
13 Nigerian pastors involved in sex scandals - Punch …
2024年1月9日 · Nigeria has witnessed a series of scandalous revelations involving prominent pastors allegedly engaged in sexual misconduct. Here is a short list of prominent Nigerian pastors who have been ...
TB Joshua exposé: How the disgraced pastor faked his miracles
TB Joshua scandal: the forces that shaped Nigeria’s …
2024年1月19日 · World famous pastor offered ordinary Nigerians a spiritual explanation for their predicaments: economic hardship made them vulnerable to his power.
TB Joshua: the disgraced Nigerian televangelist
2024年1月11日 · Nigeria's most prominent Christian televangelist physically and sexually abused dozens of his followers in crimes that spanned continents and went on for decades, a new investigation has alleged.
TB Joshua rape allegations rattle Africa's evangelicals - DW
TB Joshua - Wikipedia
Nigerian Christian leader TB Joshua accused of sexual …
2024年1月8日 · Nigeria’s most prominent Christian televangelist – and one of its most controversial – physically and sexually abused at least a dozen of his top disciples who had joined his ministry in ...