  2. 尼加拉瓜共和国,通称尼加拉瓜,是位于中美洲的一个国家,为中美地峡面积最大的国家,其首都为马那瓜。地理上北邻洪都拉斯,南边是哥斯达黎加,东临加勒比海、西临太平洋。尼加拉瓜国土可分为三个主要地理区,分别为太平洋海岸、较为湿凉的中部高地区以及加勒比海岸。尼加拉瓜近太平洋地区有中美洲最大的两个淡水湖,分别是马那瓜湖和尼加拉瓜湖。温暖的热带气候、生物多样性及活火山等为尼加拉瓜主要的旅游景点。 尼加拉瓜一词由西班牙殖民者所命名,源于西班牙语所称的“Nicarao”,为人口最多的印第安原住民部落,以及西班牙语所称的“agua”组合而成。
    首都 暨最大城市马那瓜

    Drinking water and sanitation in Nicaragua are provided by a national public utility in urban areas and water committees in rural areas. Despite relatively high levels of investment, access to drinking water in urban areas has … 展开


    Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation
    Access to water supply and sanitation in urban areas of Nicaragua has been declining, since t… 展开

    Service quality

    Water supply in 47% of localities monitored by the regulatory agency (46 out of 96 systems) is not continuous. This share is higher in the dry season, between the months of February and May, than in the wet season. Poo… 展开

    History and recent developments

    Under the Somoza government until 1979 the larger urban water systems were operated by the private sector, while a Ministerial department was in charge of water systems in smaller towns. After the revolution a cent… 展开

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    Water supply and sanitation in Nicaragua - Wikipedia

    Nicaragua is a water-rich country with a water availability of 35,000 cubic meter/capita/year, corresponding to more than five times the average for Central America and the Caribbean. Less than 1% of these water resources is withdrawn for human use. The major water user is agriculture (84% of withdrawals), … 展开

    Drinking water and sanitation in Nicaragua are provided by a national public utility in urban areas and water committees in rural areas. Despite relatively high levels of investment, access to drinking water in urban areas has barely … 展开

    Water supply in 47% of localities monitored by the regulatory agency (46 out of 96 systems) is not continuous. This share is higher in the dry … 展开

    The responsibilities in the water and sanitation sector in Nicaragua are defined in
    • the General Drinking Water and Sewerage Services Law, … 展开

    Tariffs and cost recovery
    Only 59% of operating costs of ENACAL were recovered through tariff revenues as of 2012. There are many illegal connections that are not billed and many billed customers do not pay their water bills. For the utility, … 展开

    Financial aspects 图像

    Under the Somoza government until 1979 the larger urban water systems were operated by the private sector, while a Ministerial department was in charge of water systems in smaller … 展开

    The efficiency of urban service provision is low, with estimated non-revenue water of more than 55% in Managua. ENACAL has taken recent steps to improve efficiency, however and labor … 展开

    CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本
  2. Nicaragua’s Water Crisis & Clean Water Solutions

  3. Understanding Nicaragua's water crisis - Hydrologica

    Nicaragua is facing a devastating water crisis, and the effects are far-reaching. Water shortages have plagued Nicaragua for years, resulting in economic losses that disproportionately target marginalized communities. Poor access to clean …

  4. Water resources management in Nicaragua - Wikipedia

  5. Nicaragua Hydro Portal

  6. HotSpots H2O: Following Hurricanes, Water Insecurity …

    2021年3月22日 · Nicaragua has grappled with water insecurity for decades. A history of natural resource exploitation has left the country with polluted waters from mining, farming, and deforestation. Key freshwater sources such as the …

  7. Nicaragua | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

  8. Using the Sustainability Chain to Move Toward …

    2020年5月6日 · Over the past decade, Nicaragua has developed an integrated, cross-institutional, multi-stakeholder framework, called the Sustainability Chain. Using this approach to reform the water supply and sanitation sector, …

  9. Frontiers | Water and climate: Global environmental …

    2022年11月23日 · Nicaragua has a wealth of water resources; according to Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO-AQUASTAT) (2022), in the year 2018, inhabitants had 25 446 m 3 per year as Total Renewable Water …

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