Clam anatomy. The body parts of a clam include the shell, mantle, hinge, siphon, gills, foot and labial palps, as well as internal organs such as the kidneys, stomach, intestine and heart.
Clam Taxonomy Subclass Heterodonta – clam-like with large hinge teeth Order Veneroidae Family Veneridae Venus or “heart” clam Side view is cardioid (heart-shaped) 53 genera and about 500 species Most are edible and support valuable fisheries and aquaculture industries worldwide
2022年2月22日 · This is an online quiz called Basic Clam Anatomy (Internal) You can use it as Basic Clam Anatomy (Internal) practice, completely free to play. There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper.
External Clam Shell Anatomy 1. Left valve or shell 2. Anterior or head 3. Pi liPosterior or tail 4. Dorsal or upper 5. Vnt l lVentral or lower 6. Umbo (“beak”) • Oldest part of the shell 7. Growth ring Northern hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria
Ask the students to label and/or draw (if using lab notebooks) each step of the dissection and identify major organs and their uses (information will be in dissection guide).
Draw and label the inside of the clam with the following structures. Nacre/Mother of pearl Pallial line Adductor muscles Mantle Labial palps Gills Muscular Foot Visceral mass