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Structure of Gorgonia (With Diagram) | Zoology - Biology Discussion
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fig. 172 gorgonia 1. It is the dried skeleton of a colonial coral and is commonly known as “sea fan” , which is found off the coasts of West Indi…
Structure of Gorgonia (With Diagram) - Zoology
Diagram, Structure of a Gorgonian Coral Polyp and Coral Skeleton, …
Phylum Cnidaria: Characters and Classification | Animal …
Gorgonia— The sea fan: All the branches form a hand-held fan-like network. Gorgonia is dimorphic. The zooids are of two types: autozooids for feeding and siphonozooids for driving a current of water through the colony.
Schematic of basic gorgonian anatomy: a cross-section schematic …
Cnidaria: Definition, Characteristics, …
2021年7月27日 · Some common animals of the phylum-cnidaria are Hydra, Aurelia (jellyfish), Obelia, Metridium (Sea anemone), Pennatula, Corallum, Astraea, Gorgonia, etc. Figure: Labeled …