约 70,600 个结果
  1. My Positive Experience so far! had a Partial/Toupet (270 ... - Patient

  2. Fundoplication: Uses, what to expect, and more - Medical News Today

  3. Laparscopic Nissen Fundoplication and Hiatal Hernia repair

  4. Quality of life after Nissen fundoplication in patients with ...

  5. Looking back on a gold standard: a systematic literature review of ...

  6. Long term experience review: 2 years POST surgery (Nissen ... - Reddit

  7. Trans-oral anterior fundoplication: 5-year follow-up of pilot study

  8. A 5-year prospective review of posterior partial fundoplication

  9. Fundoplication Surgery: Types, Procedure, and More - Healthline

  10. Efficacy of laparoscopic Toupet fundoplication compared to …