Don is Rigby's younger brother in Regular Show, despite being taller and classified as the older brother in his former friendship group. He makes his first appearance in the Season One episode "Don" and is voiced by Julian Dean.
"Don" is the tenth episode in season one of Regular Show. It first aired on November 8, 2010. Rigby's taller, younger brother shows up at the park to fix an audit. Mordecai and Rigby are pretending they are playing football, when Benson yells at them to …
2023年10月26日 · Best friends Mordecai the blue-jay and Rigby the racoon, who work, or at least pretend to work, for Benson, a living gumball machi...more. The Regular Show is anything but, as all you viewers...
Don (voiced by Julian Dean) is Rigby's younger brother. Introduced in the episode "Don," Don is more mature and likeable than Rigby in most ways, even though in reality he was trying to be as cool as his elder brother, which unknowingly sparks his jealousy. Don is also significantly taller than Rigby and loves to give hugs to other people.
Donald "Don" Michael is a supporting character in Regular Show. He is Rigby's younger, taller, and more muscular brother, who appears in the episode of the same name. He was voiced by Julián Dean.
Don is Rigby's younger brother in Regular Show, despite being taller and classified as the older brother in his former friendship group. He makes his first appearance in the Season...
This page is a list of appearances from Don (character). Don Survival Skills (illusion) Bank Shot The Thanksgiving Special Just Friends Gymblonski Rigby Goes to the Prom Rigby's Graduation Day...