Debian has two logos. The official logo (also known as open use logo) contains the well-known Debian swirl and best represents the visual identity of the Debian Project. A separate, …
The Debian Logo is Open Source Brand, (Wikpedia page on Open-source brands). So there are several versions adapted from the Debian Swirl. You can use the spiral in color and style that …
2024年1月18日 · English: This logo consists of a red swirl, which is under a LGPLv3 or later,or, at your option, CC BY-SA 3.0, and a stylized word "debian", which is apparently not …
2024年3月3日 · If you look at the official Debian logo page: You will see that what ended up being designated as the restricted use logo, was originally meant to be the general use logo. The …
2011年5月8日 · I had always wondered what the Debian logo means, but there is no information about it on the Debian web-page. Or if there is, I could not find it. There are links to plenty of …