哥伦布,俄亥俄州附近的结果 ·
  1. 圣诞节,又称耶诞节,是基督教纪念耶稣降生的节日,主要庆祝于每年的12月25日,而主显节则大致定于1月7日。其为基督教礼仪年历的重要节日,部分教派会透过将临期及圣诞夜来准备,并以八日庆典与礼仪节期延续庆祝。圣诞节也是许多国家和地区、尤其是西方国家等以基督教文化为主流之地区的公共假日;在教会以外的场合,圣诞节已转化成一种民俗节日,并常与日期相近的公历新年合称“圣诞及新年季”。 由于耶稣的诞生日期无法确定,圣经上也无相关记载,所以在学术上认为圣诞节是以圣母领报的日期来推估,或是在基督教发展初期将古罗马的农神节转化而来,当时社会上以该节日庆祝日照时间由短变长。西方教会在发展初期至4世纪前中期开始将圣诞节定在12月25日,而东方正教会稍晚以儒略历定于1月7日,亚美尼亚教会则定在1月6日或1月19日。
    日期12月25日公历,同儒略改革历):天主教会拉丁礼、大部分东方礼)、大部分新教、部分东正教会东方亚述教会、教外人士 · 1月7日儒略历12月25日):大部分东方正统教会及部分东正教会 · 1月6日:多数亚美尼亚教会 · 1月19日(儒略历1月6日):部分亚美尼亚教会
  1. Christmas | Origin, Definition, Traditions, History, & Facts | Britannica

  2. Christmas - Wikipedia

    Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 [a] as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.

  3. Meaning of Christmas: Origin, History, and Traditions

    2024年12月5日 · For Christians, Christmas is a time to reflect on the significance of Jesus' birth, emphasizing themes of love, peace, and goodwill toward all. Beyond its religious roots, Christmas has evolved into a widely celebrated …

  4. The Story of Christmas: Origins and Traditions Around the World

  5. What Is Christmas: It's Meaning, History and Origin Explained

  6. Christian History: Why is Christmas Celebrated on December 25th?

  7. How December 25 Became Christmas - The BAS Library

    On December 25, Christians around the world will gather to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Joyful carols, special liturgies, brightly wrapped gifts, festive foods—these all characterize the feast today, at least in the northern hemisphere. But just how …

  8. Why Is Christmas in December? | Britannica

    Christmas, the holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, is celebrated by a majority of Christians on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar. But early Christians did not celebrate his birth, and no one knows on which date Jesus …

  9. History of Christmas ‑ Origins, Traditions & Facts

    2009年10月27日 · Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon.

  10. Christmas: Holiday Traditions and Gifts - HISTORY

    Christmas, a Christian holiday honoring the birth of Jesus, has evolved into a worldwide religious and secular celebration, incorporating many pre-Christian and pagan traditions into the ...

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