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  1. "I highly recommend the landmark text book Economic Geology: Principles and Practice by Walter L. Pohl, to any students, professional geologists and others in the related industries, and anyone interested in mineral ores, and in the environmental aspects of economic geology.


    "I highly recommend the landmark text book Economic Geology: Principles and Practice by Walter L. Pohl, to any students, professional geologists and others in the related industries, and anyone interested in mineral ores, and in the environmental aspects of economic geology.


    "I highly recommend the landmark text book Economic Geology: Principles and Practice by Walter L. Pohl, to any students, professional geologists and others in the related industries, and anyone interested in mineral ores, and in the environmental aspects of economic geology.


    The central scientific theme of the book is to place the extraordinary variability of mineral deposits in the frame of fundamental geological processes. The book is written for earth science students and practicing geologists worldwide.


    "I highly recommend the landmark text book Economic Geology: Principles and Practice by Walter L. Pohl, to any students, professional geologists and others in the related industries, and anyone interested in mineral ores, and in the environmental aspects of economic geology.


    Economic geology : principles and practice : metals, minerals, coal and hydrocarbons introduction to formation and sustainable exploitation of mineral deposits / Walter L. Pohl. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4443-3662-7 (hardback) – ISBN 978-1-4443-3663-4 (pbk.) 1. Geology, Economic. I. Title. TN260.P64 2011 ...

  2. Economic Geology: Principles and Practice - amazon.com

  3. Economic Geology: Principles and Practice - amazon.com

  4. Economic Geology: Principles and Practice | Economic & Applied …

  5. Economic Geology: Principles and Practice | Wiley

  6. Economic Geology : Principles and Practice - Google Books

  7. Metals and Society: An Introduction to Economic …

    This book is a comprehensive overview of economic geology for the general geologist and anyone else interested in the minerals industry and the global supply of raw materials. It includes some thought-provoking statements and …

  8. Walter L. Pohl: Economic Geology, Principles and …

    2021年6月1日 · Walter Pohl’s Economic Geology, Principles and Practice is very well illustrated with 305 black-and-white illustrations, as well as 32 large-format color plates at the end of the text. In addition, there are 22 tables and 25 …

  9. Economic Geology — Schweizerbart science publishers

    The book comprises four parts: (I) Metalliferous Deposits, (II) Non-metallic Minerals, Rocks and Salts, (III) The Practice of Economic Geology, and (IV) Fossil Energy Materials. Topics covered offer a broad view across the whole …