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  1. The National Pledge of Barbados is as followsI pledge allegiance to my country Barbados and to my flag, To uphold and defend their honour, And by my living to do credit To my nation wherever I go.
    The National Pledge of Barbados is as followsI pledge allegiance to my country Barbados and to my flag, To uphold and defend their honour, And by my living to do credit To my nation wherever I go.
    Mr Lester Vaughn wrote the Barbados National pledge, here it is: Wherever I go. Remember Wherever you go, Barbados will be your home. Very lucky aren't we?
  2. National Pledge - Barbados

  3. Barbados National Pledge - Wikipedia

  4. Barbados National Emblems: Flag, Anthem, Coat of …

    Barbados National Anthem. View the lyrics and see a video of the Barbados national anthem. Barbados National Pledge. I pledge allegiance to my country Barbados and to my flag, To uphold and defend their honour, and by my living …

  5. The Pledge of Allegiance of Barbados | FunBarbados.com

  6. National Pledge - Barbados Pocket Guide

    The National Pledge of Barbados I pledge allegiance to my country Barbados and to my flag, To uphold and defend their honour, And by my living to do credit to …

    • 预计阅读时间:2 分钟
    • National symbols of Barbados - Wikipedia

    • Upwards and Onwards: The Barbadian Pledge - Loop …

      2014年11月13日 · Today we are focusing on our National Pledge. Sometimes we forget about our emblems and now is the perfect time to remember and cherish them. Mr Lester Vaughn wrote the Barbados National pledge, here it is: I …

    • National Symbols - Barbados Pocket Guide

      The National Flower - Pride Of Barbados The national flower of our island Barbados is the Pride of Barbados or the Dwarf Poinciana. It is native to to Tropics and sub Tropics of the Americas but can also be found in India and …

    • Barbados National Emblems: Anthem, Flag, Coat of Arms and Pledge

    • Independence | BARBADOSPARLIAMENT.COM - House …

      Independence Day in Barbados is celebrated on November 30, St. Andrews Day. The Coat of Arms carries the motto "Pride and Industry". In the General Election on 3rd November, 1966, the Democratic Labour Party won 14 seats, the …

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