约 74,200 个结果
  1. Mathematical description of bagel slicing into …

    2014年7月31日 · On his blog, MIT professor George W. Hart (http://www.georgehart.com/bagel/bagel.html) depicts decomposing a bagel, …

    • 评论数: 1
    • Slicing Doughnuts and Bagels - Brown University

      Instead of dunking a torus-doughnut, consider the usual way of slicing a torus-bagel. We set the torus on a plane so that it rests on a circle of latitude. As we slice by horizonal planes, the first slice is a single circle where the bagel rests …

    • On calculating a "Mathematically Correct Breakfast"

    • Explanarian - Discovering Bagelness (What the Heck is a Manifold)

    • Mathematically Correct Breakfast --Knotted Bagel

      They show two ways to cut a bagel into a simple overhand knot, also called a "trefoil" knot. Above is one version, which mathematicians call "the (2,3)-torus knot toasted with cream cheese."

    • What makes Torus Special - Mathematics Stack Exchange

    • Modeling a Bagel (Torus) – Victor Donnay

    • Because it's Friday: Möbius Bagel

      2010年10月8日 · Cutting a double-twist Mobius strip through a torus results in two linked rings: This topological curiosity has a delicious application, the Möbius Bagel: It takes a some practice and a tricky knife cut, but this page gives all …