The comparator is a circuit that compares one analog signal with another analog signal or a reference voltage and outputs a binary signal based on the comparison. The comparator is basically a 1-bit analog-to-digital converter: Noninverting Comparator. Inverting …
In an ADC environment, we are interested in the following comparator design parameters: in-put offset, speed, power consump-tion, metastability, kickback noise, and input-referred electronic noise. The design begins with the selection of target values for some of these pa-rameters.
Comparator dc specifications are similar to those of op amps: input offset voltage, input bias current, offset and drift, common-mode input range, gain, CMR, and PSR. Standard logic-related dc, timing, and interface specs are associated with the comparator outputs.
The second most widely used circuit block are comparators after OpAmps. They are used extensively in A/D converters and other signal processing applications. 10.1.1 Input offset and noise
•Simple CMFB circuit • Gain is well-defined Ref: V. Srinivas, S. Pavan, A. Lachhwani, and N. Sasidhar, “A Distortion Compensating Flash Analog-to-Digital Conversion Technique," IEEE JSSC, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 1959-1969, Sep. 2006.
What is a Comparator? The comparator is essentially a 1-bit analog-digital converter. Input is analog Output is digital Types of comparators: Gain. Output high and low states. Input resolution. Offset. Noise. Propagation delay. Slew rate. Noninverting Comparator. Inverting Comparator.
2020年11月20日 · This article presents the step-by-step design of a comparator and the discovery of its various trade-offs. Published in: IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine ( Volume: 12 , Issue: 4 , Fall 2020 )
The AC-coupled, single-supply comparator circuit design provides a way to ignore ground differences between modules and to accommodate a wide range of both frequencies and amplitudes into a high- speed comparator, which results in a …