Enter the tracking number of the order into the tracking form above and click on the "Track Parcel" button to find out the latest information about the transportation of your parcel from Aliexpress.
Track a Aliexpress - Standard shipping package with your Aliexpress - Standard shipping tracking number and follow its shipping process using our Aliexpress - Standard shipping tracking tool …
Follow your AliExpress orders closely and with ease, thanks to 17track's comprehensive tracking system. Enter your AliExpress tracking number(s) above (up to 40 numbers, one per line), and …
Method 1: Visit "My Orders"-Find the order-Click “Tracking”. Method 2: Track the parcel on: https://global.cainiao.com/?&lang=en for the latest tracking information.
Track your Aliexpress packages easily with 17TRACK. Get real-time updates, comprehensive tracking details, and reliable shipping information for your Aliexpress orders.
Input up to 100 tracking numbers in one search. Separate tracking numbers using the "enter" key, a comma or a semicolon. We strive to provide a one-stop tracking service for your Cainiao and …