  1. A-10雷电Ⅱ是美国费尔柴德公司生产的一种单座双发动机攻击机,负责提供对地面部队的密接支持任务,包括攻击敌方战车、武装车辆、炮兵阵地及重要地面目标等。此外也有一部分负责提供前进空中管制,制导其他攻击机对地面目标进行攻击,这些战机编号为OA-10。其官方名称来自于二战时密接支持上有出色表现的P-47雷电式战斗机,但相对于雷电这个名称而言,美军更常昵称其为“疣猪”或简称“猪”。 美国非营利组织“政府监督项目”近日发表报告指过去14年来,空军试图用各种方式,试图让服役近45年的A-10雷电二式攻击机无法执行任务,再以老旧和低妥善率为由说服国会退役飞机。目前美军规划在2028年财政年度结束前全部退役。

    The development of conventionally armed attack aircraft in the United States stagnated after World War II, as design efforts for tactical aircraft focused on the delivery of nuclear weapons using high-speed designs s… 展开


    The A-10 has a cantilever low-wing monoplane wing with a wide chord. It has superior maneuverability at low speeds and altitude due to its large wing area, high wing aspect ratio, and large ailerons. The wing also allows … 展开

    Operational history

    The first unit to receive the A-10 was the 355th Tactical Training Wing, based at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, in March 1976. The first unit to achieve initial operating capability was the 354th Tactical Fighter Wing at … 展开


    YA-10A Pre-production variant. 12 were built. A-10A Single-seat close air support, ground-attack production version. OA-10A A-10As used for airborne forward air control. YA-10B Night/Adverse Weather (N/AW) Two-sea… 展开

  1. Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - Wikipedia

    The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin-turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild Republic for the United States Air Force (USAF). In service since 1977, it is named after the Republic …

  2. What Is The Combat Record Of The US A-10 Warthog?

    2024年11月5日 · The A-10 Thunderbolt II, also known as the Warthog or Hog due to its rugged, bulky shape, is a Close Air Support CAS aircraft designed to protect allied forces on the ground. Deployed in the Desert Storm Operations in …

  3. A-10 Warthog in Action: Powerful Close Air Support | Real Combat ...

  4. The A-10 Warthog: A History in Combat - WSJ - The …

    2023年5月5日 · In a potential confrontation with China, the Warthog would be extremely vulnerable to enemy jet fighters and ground-based missiles, such as these HQ-9 missile systems from a Beijing parade in...

  5. A-10 Warthog Thunderbolt II: over 50 years in service

    2023年12月27日 · A subsonic jet – that is, one that flies at less than the speed of sound – the A-10 Warthog Thunderbolt II entered service with the United States Air Force in March 1976. To maintain its relevance, over the years the A-10 …

  6. A-10 Thunderbolt (Warthog), United States of America

    2023年3月21日 · The aircraft’s mission is ground attacks against tanks, armoured vehicles and installations, along with close air support of ground forces. A total of 281 A-10 aircraft are in service with the USAF, Air Combat Command (ACC), …

  7. Everything You Need to Know About the A-10 …

    2022年8月10日 · The Warthog, Hawgs, Thunderbolt II -- whatever you call it, it's the Air Force's flying tank. It's both beloved by ground forces and often resented by the Air Force brass. Read on to find out...

  8. A-10 'Warthog' Thunderbolt II - Military.com

    Affectionately called the “A-10 Warthog” for its aggressive look and often painted with teeth on the nose cone, the A-10 Thunderbolt II is the U.S. Air Force’s primary low-altitude close...

  9. A-10 Thunderbolt II Archives | Air & Space Forces …

    The A-10 “Warthog” is a specialized CAS aircraft tasked with interdiction, Forward Air Controller-Airborne (FAC-A), CSAR, and Strike Control & Reconnaissance. It combines a heavy, diverse weapons load with low-level maneuverability, a …

  10. Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - Combat aircraft