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  1. California’s AMT applies to individuals whose income exceeds certain thresholds and who have specific types of deductions and credits.
    The AMT was initially introduced to ensure that high-income earners pay their fair share of taxes by limiting the extent to which they can use deductions and credits to reduce their tax liability.
    Corporations that benefit from these laws may have to pay an alternative minimum tax (AMT), at a rate of 6.65%, in addition to the minimum franchise tax. ( Sec. 23455 (d), Rev. & Tax.
    Alternative Minimum Tax is a tax system that parallels the standard tax systems and adds an additional level of taxation to baseline income tax for certain individuals, corporations, estates and tr...
  2. Alternative Minimum Tax: Definition, How AMT Works

    2024年10月22日 · The alternative minimum tax (AMT) ensures certain people pay a minimum amount of income tax. AMT rates are 26% or 28%. See who pays.

  3. California’s Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) for Individuals

  4. Does Your State Have an Individual Alternative …

    2020年9月16日 · Under an individual AMT, many taxpayers are required to calculate their income tax liability under two different systems and pay the higher amount. The federal AMT was created in 1963, after Congress discovered …

  5. 其他用户还问了以下问题
  6. Alternative Minimum Tax - California Perfect Tax

    2018年10月29日 · But what is it? Alternative Minimum Tax is a tax system that parallels the standard tax systems and adds an additional level of taxation to baseline income tax for certain individuals, corporations, estates and trust. …

  7. Does Your State Have an Individual Alternative …

    2018年11月21日 · Today, six states have an AMT in their individual income tax code: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. (Wisconsin adopted AMT repeal in 2017, effective starting in tax year 2019.)

  8. What's the Alternative Minimum Tax and Who Pays It?

    2019年2月20日 · The alternative minimum tax, or AMT, is a separate income tax designed to ensure that high-income taxpayers don't dodge appropriate levels of tax payment by claiming too much in deductions.

  9. What Is the California Alternative Minimum Tax 的相关搜索