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    Visual snow syndrome - Wikipedia

    Visual snow syndrome (VSS) is an uncommon neurological condition in which the primary symptom is that affected individuals see persistent flickering white, black, transparent, or colored dots across the whole visual field. Other common symptoms are palinopsia, enhanced entoptic phenomena, photophobia, and … 展开

    Visual snow is a phenomenon where a person perceives visual disturbances, such as fine graininess or "static," in their field of vision. This can occur in low-light conditions, in the dark, or when the visual system amplifies light … 展开

    In addition to visual snow, many of those affected have other types of visual disturbances such as starbursts, increased afterimages, 展开

    • In May 2015, visual snow was described as a persisting positive visual phenomenon distinct from migraine aura in a study by Schankin and Goadsby.
    • In December 2020, a study found local increases in regional cerebral perfusion in patients with visual snow … 展开

    Signs and symptoms 图像

    The causes of VSS are not clear. The underlying mechanism is believed to involve excessive excitability of neurons within the 展开

    It is difficult to resolve visual snow with treatment, but it is possible to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life through treatment, both of the syndrome and its comorbidities. In … 展开

    CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本
  2. Visual Snow Syndrome (Static Vision): Symptoms & Causes

  3. Visual snow syndrome - Neurology

    2020年1月15日 · For example, if there is a need to define the differences between VS and the presentation as a “complete” syndrome? What are its most common clinical phenotypes, and what is the relationship with other comorbid …

  4. “我为什么看到了满眼雪花?”——读懂“视雪综合征”_腾讯新闻

  5. Home | Visual Snow Initiative

  6. Learn About Visual Snow Syndrome - Visual Snow Initiative

  7. The Visual Snow Foundation – Raising awareness of Visual Snow …

  8. Visual Snow Syndrome 101

  9. Visual Snow Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Verywell …

  10. What is Visual Snow Syndrome - Eye on Vision Foundation