Dr. Saw Wai Hla was named by the Foresight Institute as the winner of the 2024 Feynman Prize in nanotechnology in the ...
He is also a professor in the physics department at Ohio University. “I’m extremely honored to receive the Feynman Prize in ...
Richard Feynman (1918-88) was one of the most remarkable and gifted theoretical physicists of any generation. He was also known as the 'Great Explainer' because of his passion for helping non ...
Feynman researched and popularized this puzzle ... how a reverse sprinkler operates,” said Leif Ristroph, an associate professor at New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical ...
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology; author, “Nanomedicine” and “Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines” John A Glaspy ’75, professor of medicine, UCLA’s Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center; former Estelle, ...