One Pokemon type has a huge advantage in the meta of TCG Pocket thanks to a powerful support card, and players of other types deserve a similar card.
The Game Awards (and the GOTY awards) gala is giving a lot to talk about, both for controversies such as the nomination of Elden Ring (which I still find shameful) and for the diff ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket’s difficult Gold Emblem event is prompting childish behaviour from sore losers who don’t want to break ...
Adults or kids, men or women these fun, funny Pokémon gifts are sure to please every trainer. Look for toys, books and lots ...
The Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 adds a new competitive option for the Versus mode. Within the Event Match menu, players ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket players can now take part in a tough new event for a limited time in order to win some incredible rewards.
Tata’s Trading Card Co., a new store offering various trading cards such as sports, Pokemon, One Piece and Magic: The ...
You may know that your star sign can tell you things about your personality, but that's not the only indicator out there - as your choice of favourite Pokémon can be insightful too ...
机会还是很大的线上TCG卡牌似乎又站到了风口上。自《炉石传说》回归国服取得优秀表现以来,卡牌这一门类近期受到了相当多的关注。就在上周,拳头游戏又宣布推出《英雄联盟》实体卡牌游戏《符文战场:英雄联盟对战卡牌》,进一步探索IP的延展方向。而在电子游戏领域 ...
A new event is now live in Pokemon TCG Pocket, allowing players to unlock exclusive emblems for getting consecutive wins.
Pokémon TCG Pocket is bringing an event within two months of its release, but the developers have created a twist for players ...
Physical trading card games (TCGs) offer tangible joy and promote social interaction. Digital TCGs lack social interaction ...