Anaemia is the reduction in the number of circulating erythrocytes in the blood, or a reduction in the quantity of haemoglobin. A randomized controlled trial in the third trimester of pregnancy in ...
Individuals with certain medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as celiac disease, pernicious anemia and Crohn's disease, make it difficult for your body to absorb vitamin B12.
Yes, it’s possible to experience iron deficiency, but not have iron deficiency anemia. “Iron deficiency anemia is just a later stage of iron deficiency,” says Dr. Casey O’Connell ...
Pernicious anemia is predominantly a disease of adult life and is rarely reported in persons under the age of thirty. 4 The disease has been described in children, but the diagnosis has not been ...
It is likely that the effect of steroids in pernicious anemia is due to a suppression of the autoimmune phenomena. If so, it is of interest to determine whether the effect of steroids can be ...