Koel shared the family photo and announced that their family of three is now expanding. The ‘Mitin Mashi’ of the silver screen wrote, “Happy to share that our family is growing & Kabir will ...
Koel Mallick (right) with her husband Nispal Singh (left) and son Kabir (centre) Instagram Koel Mallick and her film producer husband Nispal Singh have announced the birth of their second child, a ...
The trade will be even higher,” Sergey Mitin noted. “The volume of investment is also impressive. Last year Belarus received a preferential loan of RUB105 billion from the Russian Federation.
Surangana: I remember a story about someone cooking with a hand that stretched unnaturally long, and my grandmother’s warning to always tie up my hair before going out. Gaurav: I grew up with Thakumar ...
Arindam last release Mitin Mashi was also well appreciated as the film deals with women empowerment and also showed Koel Mallick as detective which is not so common in our culture. On The 13th ...
Mitin Mashi director Arindam Sil will be making a film celebrating 100 years of Bengsli cinema. The film has bee titled as Maya Kumari and the first look of the film has also been released. Abir ...