Some credit cards offer an introductory APR for promotional purposes. This is often a 0% interest rate for a specified period of time. If you plan to carry a balance when you first apply for a credit ...
Those with higher credit scores will also be more likely to qualify for zero-interest credit cards with 0% introductory APRs. According to data from the 2023 CFPB's Consumer Credit Card Market ...
The best balance transfer credit cards offer 0% introductory APRs, which let you pay down your balance while avoiding interest. There is a catch, though: balance transfer fees. These fees ...
Carrying credit card debt can be a big drain on household budgets. Consumer Investigator Rachel DePompa talks to NerdWallet about ways to address and pay down that debt.
of over 20 percent, according to Bankrate. In other words, today’s Americans taking on credit card debt pay much more in interest than they would have on that same debt only a few years ago.