A plant's internal system for prepping for winter is all fine and good. But that system is impacted by external forces.
We usually associate propagation with spring, but there are a few plants you can grow from cuttings in cold months. We round ...
When you grow a wide range of plants in your yard, it can be tricky to figure out which need protecting in winter. Herbs can ...
Another popular way to grow paperwhites is in shallow bowls filled with gravel or decorative stones, although any container ...
Pruning the plants regularly helps in removing the dead branches. It improves the air circulation and encourages healthy ...
During the winter at a greenhouse outside the town of Weyers Cave, tiny seedlings sleep under plastic boxes, and older plants ...
Stress may cause an African violet to stop blooming. Keep your plant as healthy as possible so it will have the energy it ...
1. Choose the right propagation method. Propagating plants via stem cuttings is less invasive than root division propagation and is the recommended method for winter propagation. Stem cuttings can be ...
Keeping plants alive in the cold winter months can be a challenge, but microgreens particularly are a fun project for ...
Try starting hardy perennials and self-seeding annuals sometime during the winter through early spring. Other flower and ...
If saving your plants as an addition to your yard this spring, summer and fall interests you, here are a few tips to help. An ...
Start these seeds indoors in the dead of winter, and you will turn your garden into a hummingbird paradise come spring.