Released under the banner AMC, The Walking Dead aired its 7th season on October 23, 2016, which lasted around 5 months with a total of 16 episodes, ending on April 2, 2017. The series has been written ...
Over 193 issues, Rick Grimes and the survivors of The Walking Dead encountered the worst of humanity. From villains like The Governor, Negan, and Alpha, to enemy groups like the Hunters, the ...
Thanks to a new deal in the United States, a whole lot of AMC shows landed on Netflix last Summer, including a large chunk of The Walking Dead Universe. With hundreds of episodes across the main show ...
The Walking Dead: Dead City premiered on June 18th, 2023. It followed the story of Maggie and Negan traveling to New York City in order to get back her kidnapped son. Season 2 for the series is ...
Carol evolves from helpless to resilient, demonstrating survival tactics in The Walking Dead. Daryl transitions from a solitary survivalist to a compassionate and trusted member of the group.