Morning stiffness lasting 30 minutes or longer is common in RA. Some people with RA also experience rheumatoid nodules—nonpainful bumps under the skin. RA inflammation can cause additional problems ...
The widespread utilization of chest CT scans has increased the importance of the proper evaluation of incidentally found lung nodules. The primary goal in the evaluation of these nodules is to ...
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by inflammation of the joints and the subsequent destruction of cartilage and erosion of the bone. Patients with rheumatoid ...
The patient's past medical history was significant for rheumatoid arthritis ... scattered erythematous tender subcutaneous nodules and plaques (Figure 2). Inguinal and popliteal lymphadenopathies ...
Here's a look at some types of acute arthritis that cause your joints to hurt suddenly. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the immune system attacking joint tissues. Inflammation occurs in the synovium ...