The police recovered eight motorcycles worth Rs 4 lakh from them. The arrested persons were Sathyaram Krishna (32) and Utkoor Narsimha (30) of Rajendranagar. “Both the persons moved around in colonies ...
Tanya Krishna is a business journalist with over 10 years of experience and currently is an Assistant Editor at She has a Masters degree in Journalism and Mass Communication.
I didn't plan for the exponential expense of parenting teenagers and part of me wonders if I did the right thing in my early days as a stay-at-home mom. PwC's global chairman said that putting ...
During her first term as first lady, from 2017 to 2021, Melania Trump’s fashion choices gradually transitioned toward a more armored and strategic style. Initially soft and nostalgic—recall ...
His decision to pardon supporters who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is sure to enrage police, lawmakers and others whose lives were put at risk during an unprecedented episode in modern US ...
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