Hay nets can slow down hay intake and reduce hay waste, but how do they affect horse chiropractic health? Researchers and an equine chiropractor in the Upper Midwest evaluated subluxations ...
The use of hay nets was not found to have significant impact on a horse's likelihood of getting an eye disease, nor was steaming hay. The type of hay fed also made no significant impact ...
A hay analysis provides a lot of useful information about your horse’s forage, which is important in making sure your horse has a well-balanced diet. Remember that you should select hay based on your ...
However, that number could change for more active or geriatric horses, pregnant mares, growing horses and the quality of hay you are feeding. Also account for waste when calculating how much hay your ...
ELIZABETH, Colo. — A nonprofit horse sanctuary in Elizabeth is asking the community for help after a November snowstorm caused a major need for hay. Candice Ensign is the founder of Journey with Equus ...
The mold will also make the hay less palatable to livestock and could potentially be toxic, especially for horses. Even hay baled between 15%-20% moisture will experience what is known as “sweating.” ...
At the end of this month a unique festival in Kenagh will feature all that is good about the land, highlighting in particular the art of making hay and the role that horses played in rural life in ...