Lobo, played by Jason Momoa, is an iconic DC character known for his violent, anti-hero persona and unique origin story. Created as a parody, Lobo evolved into a beloved rugged anti-hero with ...
While Momoa’s portrayal of Aquaman has been very well-received, Lobo is radically different DC character with a far more outlandish personality and place in the DC Universe. Additionally ...
Artist Simon Bisley’s highly stylized art wound up being perfect for the character. The Lobo mini-series was a huge hit for DC. This series also gave us a new origin for Lobo, which we now know ...
And right now, he's the topic of hot goss among DC movie fans, with the news breaking today that former Aquaman star Jason Momoa has been cast as Lobo in the new DC movie universe, and will make ...
Actor Jason Momoa is ditching the trident rod he held throughout DC Studios' "Aquaman" films as he was recently announced to play the rugged antihero Lobo in the upcoming "Supergirl: Woman of ...
DC Comics In 1990, Lobo was in demand enough as a character that he received his own mini-series, with Keith Giffen writing along with Alan Grant. Artist Simon Bisley’s highly stylized art wound ...
Aquaman has left the building. On his Instagram, Momoa shared a quote from a previous interview when he expressed his admiration for Lobo. Please enable Javascript to ...