Following the recent death of a rangatahi involved in the Oranga Tamariki trial boot camps, a senior Oranga Tamariki official has confirmed two other rangatahi involved with the camp are missing. This ...
Chief Children’s Commissioner Claire Achmad says the Child Protection Investigation Unit is a step in the right direction and will advocate for tamariki to never be harmed in state care. Over the ...
An earlier version of this story said Oranga Tamariki refused an interview request about comments from the Chief Ombusdman. Oranga Tamariki was asked for comment on this story, but not an interview, ...
Oranga Tamariki is hiring support services for children who have been victims of sexual violence, to help them through court cases. A tender closes on Monday for 12 workers to cover nine regions in ...
Children’s Minister Karen Chhour says it was “unacceptable” Oranga Tamariki didn’t inform her of a second abscondee linked to the Government’s bootcamp pilot she is leading. It comes as ...
Two of the nine teens in the Government’s bootcamp pilot are missing in the days after another participant died in a car accident. It comes as the Children’s Minister speaks of the ...