Kangana Ranaut, actor and MP from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, posted a heartfelt Instagram message honoring the hardworking women of her state. Sharing a collage with Preity Zinta, Yami Gautam, and ...
Mumbai, Dec 29 (IANS): Bollywood actress and BJP member of Parliament, Kangana Ranaut, recently attended the grand Ram Katha event held at Thakur Village in Kandivali, Mumbai. The event, featuring the ...
MP of Mandi-actor Kangana Ranaut penned a note talking about how she believes ‘women working in fields’ deserve more ‘hype’. Actor and Mandi MP Kangana Ranaut took to her Instagram on ...
Actress turned politician Kangana Ranaut took to her Instagram stories recently to appreciate women from Himachal Pradesh. She called them hard-working and gave a shout-out to her fellow Himachal ...