The documentary series All Man (2016) explores masculinity and gender stereotyping, which were also the subject of his book The Descent of Man. With the television programme Grayson’s Art Club ...
Sir Grayson Perry is bringing his new show to Brighton next year. The internationally acclaimed artist, writer, and TV star will be at The Dome on Sunday, November 2, as part of his national tour.
Inspired by William Hogarth’s A Rake’s Progress, the six tapestries chart the ‘class journey’ made by young Tim Rakewell and include many of the characters, incidents and objects Grayson Perry ...
There’s no shortage of laughter in Dennis Perry’s house. Ask him about his grandkids, and he instantly starts to chuckle. And if the subject of fishing or how much he loves his wife ...
LaTroya Grayson has come forward to accuse Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs of sexual assault in 2006 after winning the chance to go to one of his White Parties via a radio contest – here’s what we know ...