In other words, the scatter loss in decibels has Gaussian statistical distribution. Therefore, in many important communication systems ... which reduces significantly the necessary computation. An ...
Some examples are also carried out to demonstrate that the proposed filtering method outperforms some state-of-the-arts including the classical Gaussian filter, the Cohen’s distribution filtering ...
We have explored two approaches: a simple one based on independent, stationary Gaussian processes and a more advanced one relying on deep neural networks with autoencoders and convolutional layers. In ...
Official implementation of "Reflective Gaussian Splatting".
We propose GPS-Gaussian, a generalizable pixel-wise 3D Gaussian representation for synthesizing novel views of any unseen characters instantly without any fine-tuning ...
Introduction The impact of sex on coronary artery disease prognosis is debated. It has been postulated that women receive ...
Aaron Koelker’s map of map turtles is one of our favorite examples of how shape can influence and enhance a map. For our next ...
This study is important, advancing our understanding of how humans adapt to uncertainty in dynamic environments by investigating the interplay between two types of uncertainty-volatility (systematic ...