In vacuum circuit breakers, the contacts are also generally copper, mixed with tungsten and specially shaped to ensure proper distribution of the electric field and movement of the arc root. Smaller ...
On the front porch, the deputy noticed electrical components of the electric meter identified by the VEC worker. Attached to the house was the electric meter box that appeared to have been pried open, ...
A tragic house fire caused by an electrical short circuit claimed the lives of a 32-year-old woman, her two young sons, and a relative's child in Ghaziabad. The incident happened early Sunday ...
there is a growing interest in battery-electric trucks (BETs) from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The time is opportune to consider electrification as a future direction for road freight in ...
MDM: The Source of Truth Through investments in MDM systems, utilities now collect hundreds of millions of events and readings every day from sources such as the following: Meters (status, ...
A vehicle crashed into a Baton Rouge house early Saturday, rupturing the home's natural gas meter and igniting a fire that caused heavy damage to the home and destroyed the vehicle. The driver ...
In September, the year-over-year inflation rate for energy services such as gas and electricity was nearly ... instead of trying to heat the entire house, use heat in just one part of your house ...