The long-awaited animated Bob the Builder movie is confirmed and currently in development at Amazon MGM Studios, marking a fresh take on the beloved children's franchise. The movie is set to be ...
The original Bob the Builder series was a British animated children's television show created by Keith Chapman. It ran from April 12, 1999 to December 31, 2011 in the United Kingdom through the ...
The makers of Bob The Builder's Christmas video had to re-record the voice of the children's favourite following complaints that he was using foul language, it has emerged. A number of parents who ...
THE One Show fans were left "feeling lied to" after Bob Geldof appeared to reveal a huge secret about the show live on air. Bob, 73, appeared on The One Show on Monday night to share the brand new ...
Have you been paying attention to current events recently? See how many of these 10 questions you can get right. Compiled by Michael Gonchar and Jeremy Engle A recent study breaks down the ...
Amazon MGM Studios appears to have come out on top in the bidding war for the feature-length Latino-flavored adaptation of children’s tv series Bob the Builder. Mattel Films, Shadowmachine ...
They too deserve their flowers but when it comes to the art of the Thanksgiving episode, Bob’s Burgers is the show to beat. It may have taken the team behind the FOX animated comedy three years ...
Kamala Harris may have lost election night, but Jon Stewart and “The Daily Show” took home a W. The Comedy Central live special was the most-watched episode ever on Paramount+ on its premiere ...
If you go: Bob Fosse’s “Sweet Gwen ... during its fall series Nov. 15-24, the show will mark not just a historic moment for the local contemporary dance company, but for Chicago itself.