Sudip Pandey, a prominent Bhojpuri actor and producer, passed away from a heart attack on Wednesday at 11 AM in Mumbai. His untimely demise has left the film industry and his fans grieving the loss of ...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], January 15 : Actor Sudip Pandey, best known for his work in Bhojpuri films, has passed away. As per the information received from a source close to Sudip's family, the ...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], January 15 (ANI): Actor Sudip Pandey, best known for his work in Bhojpuri films, has passed away. As per the information received from a source close to Sudip's family, ...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], January 15 (ANI): Actor Sudip Pandey, best known for his work in Bhojpuri films, has passed away. As per the information received from a source close to Sudip's family, ...
Actor Sudip Pandey, best known for his work in Bhojpuri films, has passed away. As per the information received from a source close to Sudip's family, the actor died due to heart attack on ...
Bhojpuri actor Sudip Pandey has passed away. The reason for his death has been cited as a heart attack. The news of his death was confirmed by his family. The news of Pandey's death has sent shock ...
Bhojpuri film actor Sudip Pandey passed away tragically on January 15 in Mumbai at 11 am, reportedly due to a sudden heart attack. The news of his untimely demise has sent shockwaves through the film ...
As per reports pouring in, Bhojpuri actor Sudip Pandey is no more. The actor reportedly passes away after suffering a heart attack. Read on It’s a sad day for fans of Bhojpuri film actor Sudip ...
Renowned Bhojpuri actor Sudip Pandey has tragically passed away following a heart attack. The news of his demise was confirmed by his family, leaving the film industry in a state of shock and grief.
Bhojpuri actor and filmmaker Sudip Pandey died in Mumbai on January 15, at around 11 am, following a heart attack. Sudip Pandey was a celebrated figure in Bhojpuri cinema, having worked in several ...