Taking to his Instagram, veteran actor Anupam Kher shared a video featuring his mother, Dulari, and his Emergency's co-star, Kangana Ranaut. Watch the viral video here.
Anupam Kher shared an adorable video of a conversation between Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and his mother. During the interaction, the actress sought blessings from Anupam's mother for her ...
The news was shared his close friend and actor Anupam Kher on social media. Kher penned a long note talking about his decades old association with Nandy. Anupam Kher took to social media on ...
In his autobiography, Lessons Life Taught Me Unknowingly, Anupam Kher shared ... he invested into the role. When Kher finally accepted the role, he called his wife, Kiran Kher, who was in ...
Anupam Kher, who played Dr Manmohan Singh in the film ... Dr Manmohan Singh is survived by his wife and three daughters. He was the Prime Minister of India from 2004 to 2014.