The brand new Chat Cafe started at the Balsam Centre last month, resulting from the Good Stuff project's public consultation earlier in the year. Every other Monday it provides an opportunity to come ...
The doctors and staff of Wincanton Health Centre are delighted and excited to announce that proposals to develop new replacement premises are progressing after years of uncertainty. Subject to land ...
This October 8th-14th 2008 Wincanton's Quakers organised a series of meetings to explain to people who they are and what they stand for so I thought I would go along and find out. What I discovered ...
This year’s Nicholson Lecture takes place on 2nd and 3rd August in aid of Maperton Church and the Army Benevolent Fund. The church is something of a hidden jewel; set in a stunning location, anyone ...
Welcome to Wincanton Community Church. We are a Pentecostal church in association with the Assemblies of God. The church has existed in Wincanton for around twenty years and presently we have a ...
Let's celebrate with local residents Marcus and Penny their fantastic achievement in receiving Best British Cheese award for their locally produced cheese 'Renegade Monk', and 'Could Horsington become ...
The 1st Wincanton Scout Group covers Wincanton and the neighbouring villages. Over the past few years a number of key volunteers have stepped away. For the Group to continue to flourish we really need ...
The Centre is owned and managed by Wincanton Community Venture, a local independent charity which receives funding from differing sources. The Centre was originally set up by members of the local ...
Thin-canton, a free weight loss group, will be running for the second time at Wincanton Health Centre starting on Thursday 19th May for eight weeks. If you would like to join, please come along – we ...