Our overall goal is to contribute to poverty reduction through successful mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Africa and to improve the capacity of African countries to participate ...
Prior to his appointment as Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the ECA, Mr. Gatete was the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Rwanda to the United Nations in ...
Supports the efficient management of natural resource endowments; reducing the negative impacts of climate change by moving towards green transitions and climate-resilient development and harnessing ...
The Subregional Office for North Africa (SRO-NA) main objective is to contribute to achieving structural transformation and balanced development through the implementation of an environment conducive ...
ACPC, in collaboration with its partners, has been at the forefront of efforts to promote climate change knowledge and awareness across the Africa continent. In 2016 for example, the ACPC convened a ...
Africa is a continent marked by stark contrasts. While it is home to some of the world’s billionaires, over 50 percent of the global poor also reside there. The wealth of the seven richest Africans ...
Focuses on improving the production, dissemination, and use of high-quality and comparable data and statistics in Africa to support evidence-based policymaking, planning, implementation, monitoring ...
governments, the UNFCCC and Africa regional institutions. These specific objectives are to: Apprise African stakeholders on the latest developments in the Article 6 framework. Provide dialogue space ...
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Organisé avec la participation de décideurs politiques, de représentants des secteurs public et privé, ainsi que des experts du Maroc, de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) et de la Zambie, cet ...
The 2024 African Economic Conference (AEC 2024), jointly organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), and the United Nations Development Programme ...
A robust and vibrant private sector is vital for inclusive and sustained economic growth. Indeed, the private sector is the engine of economic growth. In Africa, the private sector has an immense ...