La vente de Mobilier & Objets d’Art des 17 et 18 décembre prochains représentera toute l’excellence des arts décoratifs du ...
Artcurial was founded in 2002, just at the time the French auction market was opening up to competition, and quickly became the leading French auction house. Since then the firm has continually ...
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Portrait de Louis XIV, roi de France (1638-1715), âgé, en armure et cordon bleu de l’ordre du Saint-Esprit ...
1948 Delahaye 135 M Cabriolet " El Glaoui " par Figoni & Falaschi ...
In 1955, Hotchkiss was allowed to produce Jeeps which were strictly identical to the American military model; these were known as the MB and then the M201. A plate mounted on the dashboard indicates ...
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