The highly-anticipated anime series adaptation of The Dinner Table Detective is slated to arrive next year to the excitement ...
The upcoming Shondaland murder mystery series The Residence is set to premiere on Netflix next year, and it is expected to be ...
Filipino singer Sofronio Vasquez was recently crowned the first Asian champion in The Voice USA. He prevailed in the season ...
A revival of the iconic medical comedy series Scrubs is currently in the works, and there have been debates on whether it was ...
Since competing in the recent season of Dancing with the Stars, there have been rumors of a romance fueling between pro Sasha ...
The hit manga series Spy x Family is currently on hiatus, and fans have been wondering what led to the last-minute decision ...
The hit anime series The Apothecary Diaries is set to return with season 2 soon to the excite of many fans who have been ...
A real-life celebrity couple made a surprise cameo appearance in the recently aired episode 13 of Yellowstone season 5.
Season 3 of the hit anime series Fire Force is slated to air next year which will also mark its final chapter. This comes as ...
Recent reports revealed that HBO has found an actor who will play Severus Snape in the Harry Potter TV series reboot. However ...
Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia finally ends its run after 10 years and 42 successful volumes that spawned a major anime ...
Nick Dorka and Hannah Jiles were one of the most prominent couples that were featured in Love is Blind season 7 due to their ...