A historical drama film directed by Nicholas Hytner, centers on a group of teenage girls who, after getting caught performing ...
A couple in Deoria has been arrested for the ritualistic sacrifice of their 12-year-old niece in an attempt to cure their mentally ill son. The shocking incident occurred on November 28 and has raised ...
A 17-year-old girl in Nigeria has been murdered for body parts to be used in suspected rituals believed to bring ... Belief in witchcraft or "juju" is widespread in Nigeria. Traditional witchcraft ...
She is also a witch. Her daily rituals and ceremonies help her to fulfil her potential and bring joy and meaning to her world ...
Many modern Jewish rituals can trace their roots back to ... Jacobi and her peers are revitalizing ancient Jewish practices of witchcraft, which have been seeing something of a revival as of ...
Celebrated usually from 31 October to 1 November, the religious rituals of Samhain (pronounced "sow-win", meaning summer's end), focused on fire, as winter approached. Anthropologist and pagan Lyn ...