The Vampire Diaries stars Dobrev as teen Elena Gilbert, a 16-year-old who lost her parents in a car crash and embarks on a relationship with vampire Stefan Salvatore, played by Paul Wesley.
Dobrev played numerous characters on "The Vampire Diaries," most notably the lead role of Elena Gilbert, while Graham played Bonnie Bennett and King played Caroline Forbes. "The Vampire Diaries ...
The three actresses, who played Elena, Caroline and Bonnie ... The three actresses who starred in The Vampire Diaries had a reunion this weekend at the I Was Feeling Festive 2 convention in ...
The three actresses who starred in The Vampire Diaries had a reunion this ... King and Graham, who played Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett, respectively, posted a joint video ...
Based on L.J. Smith’s series of books by the same name, The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural drama centered on Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), a high school student who recently lost her parents ...