What does the Bible say about death? Death is one of the sure things and the scariest phenomenon in life. Find out what ...
The Bible says very little about Jesus Christ’s physical traits. And for centuries after his death, likely due to concerns about idolatry, artists did not create depictions of the Son of God.
All we have from this period about Jesus is text, finally. And we try to work backwards and say, "How did we get these texts? Who wrote these texts? Where did they get the ideas?" Surely behind ...
I don't know what to say about today's state, but I have an idea of what Jesus would say to us. He would say things that carry the same tune as things he said before. “If you acknowledge that ...
and they are articulating those arguments and they're forwarding those concerns based on what they know and what other people know about what Jesus said and did. I think the historic story ...
Worshippers in Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre surround the restored Edicule, a shrine that Christian tradition says was built over the burial place of Jesus Christ. The shrine ...
The Catechism says it best: “But the one name that contains everything is the one that the Son of God received in his incarnation: JESUS.” The proper name given to the Lord during his ...
What Jesus seemed to have had in mind is the church being more of “a field hospital after battle,” in the words of Pope Francis. Heal the wounds, he said. Then we can talk. Churches ought to ...