Ever since its discovery in Egypt, the Gospel of Truth has stood as one of the most intriguing and theologically rich texts from early Christianity. This manuscript dates back centuries ...
John's gospel is different from the other three in the New Testament. That fact has been recognized since the early church itself. Already by the year 200, John's gospel was called the spiritual ...
The Gospel of Thomas is a book of supposed sayings of Jesus Christ written sometime in 200-300 CE. While it is likely not written by any direct follower of Jesus, it provides important insight and ...
But this character, of course, also appears in the Gospel of John, he's one of the disciples, the twin. Here he appears as if he's Jesus' twin, and he is one who knows secret teaching, which Jesus ...
It is not surprising that Rosemary Ruether has found the fullest development of New Testament anti-Jewish bias within the Gospel of John. 1 Her estimate of the gospel's anti-Jewish stance reflects the ...