嵌入式里面说的串口,一般是指UART口,但是我们经常搞不清楚它和COM口的区别, 以及RS232, TTL等关系, 实际上UART,COM指的物理接口形式 (硬件), 而TTL、RS-232是指的电平标准 (电信号).
本文应各位大佬相邀,特别分享Air201硬件BTB扩展接口相关内容。特别值得一提的是——板载BTB 24PIN连接器,可用于扩展连接LCD、Camera、Uart、I2C等外设。
The device's greatest advantage is its ability to simplify USB-to-serial interface conversion, which is particularly useful for small embedded systems with limited resources. It incorporates a USB ...
DY-SV17F 一款智能语音模块,集成 IO 分段触发,UART 串口控制,ONE_line 单总线串口控制,标准 MP3 等 7 种工作模式;板载 5W D 类功放,可直接驱动 4Ω,3~5W 喇叭;支持 MP3,WAV 解码格式, 板载 ...
Waveshare has recently launched the RP2350-GEEK USB development board which can also be used as a debugger for Raspberry Pi ...