Learn more Pixar's newest animated feature, "Turning Red," explores the confusion of adolescence with a twist: its main character also happens to transform into a giant red panda. The movie ...
Uncontrollable emotions, particularly rage and enthusiasm, are symbolized by Mei's red panda. The film emphasizes how ...
Films like Turning Red help can smash the taboos around ... But despite the appeal of 4*Town, it's really the giant red panda which takes centre stage in this film. Given the option to decide ...
Apart from facing a lot of the everyday challenges of being a teen, Mei discovers that she turns into a large red panda whenever she experiences strong emotions. Fortunately, she finds her own way ...
12. Turning Red, Domee Shi's 2022 Oscar-nominated movie about a teen who turns into a red panda, debuts Feb. 9, followed by Enrico Casarosa's Oscar-nominated sea monster story Luca on March 22.